

I teach self hypnosis in a way that’s targeted to the particular needs and nature of my clients.

You may be surprised to discover for yourself that that it is possible to change in a way that’s deep, yet can be quick and effective as well.

My work as a trained hypnotist is generally short term, and targeted to help you change specific personal, unconscious behaviors, feelings, and choices within yourself that you tend to do “on automatic,” which can include:

  • anxieties, stage frights, phobias, etc.
  • habits, behaviors, and feelings of an automatic nature, (nail biting, etc.)
  • grief or or anger or other emotions that have become somehow habitual or problematic
  • physical and psychosomatic issues (with prior medical approval)
  • job interviews, exams, artistic performances, etc.
  • stop smoking or lose weight.

Hypnosis is not the answer for everybody, but it can seem to be near miraculous for many when done in the right way at the right time. Also, I am not a psychotherapist (although a number of my clients are psychotherapists). My work dovetails nicely with that of a good psychotherapist. In fact, many of my clients have told me they got results in a few sessions with me that had taken them years in psychotherapy.

If you have any further questions you can look here, or email me at philip@trance-form-yourself.com to either book a free initial introductory 1/2 hour session (see sidebar), or to ask any questions.

I look forward to meeting you!
